Learn how to visualize algorithms with LEDs, dodge bugs with MyPy, and more

On April May 9th, join ~150 devs at SF Python's presentation night to hear a few short talks and one more PyCon talks from local speakers :) Our generous sponsor Yelp will also provide pizza and beer for the evening.

If you'd like to make a 1-2 minutes announcement at the opening of this meetup and contribute back to the community, considering stepping up as a video sponsor. You will help fulfill the #1 requests of those who can't attend the meetup and enjoy additional sponsor perks.

If you'd like to present a 5 mins Lightning talk or a 10-15 mins Short Talk at a future meetup, please submit your talk ideas here.


Lightning talks

  • Jardin, the friendly and lightweight ORM for Python, by Emmanuel Turlay
  • Deploying SciKit Learn Models in Flask, by Ben Aaron
  • Moving a Python Colossus at Pinterest, Slowly, by Jordan Adler

Short talk(~10 mins + Q&A)

Making the most out of Mypy by Phil Nachum

Mypy is great for avoiding bugs, but with tweaks to how we model our data, we can often produce more reliable and clearer code. The talk covers some of these techniques.

Bio of Phil Nachum

I'm a software engineer at Freenome, a biotech startup on a mission to cure cancer. I'm new to Python, but I'm a big fan of typed functional programming and bringing ideas from that world into Python.

Main talk (~30 mins + Q&A)

Visualizing Algorithms with Python and Programmable LEDs by Christopher Beacham / Lady Red

Recently, a new LED strip specification, APA102, has been released which allows these strips to be driven by a general purpose CPU instead of a dedicated microcontroller. This allows us the luxury of controlling them with Python!

I'll teach you about how to get the hardware, how to think about programming for lights and how to build anything from a psychedelic art installation to home lighting to an educational tool.

Programming with lights is awesome because you can SEE bugs with your eyes. I think the use of these LED's have great potential as a teaching tool because of the immediacy of the feedback.

LIVE hardware demos! See Quicksort in brilliant colors!

Bio of Christopher Beacham

I am a Senior Software Developer at Hipmunk. I've been programming in python for more than a decade. I'm also an artist and maker. I frequent the hackerspace Noisebridge in San Francisco, where I sew, paint, work on electronics projects.and teach a beginner level python class. I also go by the name Lady Red


6:00p - Check-in and mingle, with food provided by our generous sponsor Zenefits!

7:05p - Welcome

7:30p - Door close

7:10p - Announcements, lightning talks and main talk

8:15p - More mingling

9:30p - Hard stop

SF Python is run by volunteers aiming to foster the Python community in the Bay Area. Please consider making a donation to SF Python and saying a big thank you to Yelp for providing pizza, beer, and the venue for this Wednesday's meetup.

Yelp sees 89 million mobile users and 79 million desktop users every month. Keeping everything running smoothly requires the best and brightest in the industry. Their engineers come from diverse technical backgrounds and value digital craftsmanship, open-source, and creative problem-solving. They write tests, review code, and push multiple times a day. Come out and talk to them.


Additional Information

  1. Doors open at 6:00pm. Please wait outside without blocking the building entrance. Security will stop admitting guests at 7:30p.

  2. Wait-listed folks or those without a tito registration will be admitted after 6:45pm if we have not met our venue's capacity limit.

  3. Please park your bikes on the street.