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Miguel Pérez Colom edited this page Jun 16, 2023 · 101 revisions

Mateu is a java library for creating awesome and reliable responsive web applications from our java classes at speed of light.

The main idea is to achieve it with the fewest lines of code.

In Mateu you only need to know java, so you do not need to know about html, javascript, or css to build your apps.

Actual status

Mateu is currently used in production for several projects, and as time goes by it becomes more useful and proofs to be a good choice for developing enterprise applications. Even for developing all of your applications, when a UI is needed.

Since March 2023 version 2 of Mateu is born !!. This new version does not depend on Vaadin and is tied (as per today) to Spring boot 3.

I hope you like it ;)

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